%pylab inline
$$\frac{dy}{dt} = sin(t)$$
def dy_dt(y, t):
return np.sin(t)
from scipy.integrate import odeint
t = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, 100)
result = odeint(dy_dt, 0, t)
fig = figure(figsize=(12,4))
p = plot(t, result, "rx", label=r"$\int_{0}^{x}sin(t) dt $")
p = plot(t, -cos(t) + cos(0), label=r"$cos(0) - cos(t)$")
p = plot(t, dy_dt(0, t), "g-", label=r"$\frac{dy}{dt}(t)$")
l = legend(loc="upper right")
xl = xlabel("t")
$$ \frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = g - \frac{D}{m}\frac{dx}{dt} $$
$$y = \left[x, \frac{dx}{dt}\right] $$
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{dy_0}{dt} &= y_1 \\\ \frac{dy_1}{dt} &= -g - \frac{D}{m} y_1 \\\ \end{aligned} $$
def dy_dt(y, t):
"""Governing equations for projectile motion with drag.
y[0] = position
y[1] = velocity
g = gravity (m/s2)
D = drag (1/s) = force/velocity
m = mass (kg)
g = -9.8
D = 0.1
m = 0.15
dy1 = g - (D/m) * y[1]
dy0 = y[1] if y[0] >= 0 else 0.
return [dy0, dy1]
position_0 = 0.
velocity_0 = 100
t = linspace(0, 12, 100)
y = odeint(dy_dt, [position_0, velocity_0], t)
p = plot(t, y[:,0])
yl = ylabel("Height (m)")
xl = xlabel("Time (s)")
y, infodict = odeint(dy_dt, [position_0, velocity_0], t, full_output=True, printmessg=True, )
print sorted(infodict.keys())
print "cumulative number of function evaluations at each calculated point:", infodict['nfe']
print "cumulative number of time steps", infodict['nst']